Monday, September 5, 2016

ARCH 642 Theory Less More

LESS seriousness MORE humor
less blah blah blah more ha ha ha

In a society where we are told to be professional, look our best, and behave, it doesn't hurt to break from the norm every once in a while and have a good laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. It is scientifically proven that children laugh significantly more than adults do, but as we grow older we lose our laughter. And that is not okay. If not for pure enjoyment and bliss, laughter can at least help manage stress, decrease blood pressure, and help with anxiety. I think we all get caught up in life and our jobs and forget to have fun with it. I am not immune to it, but I am aware of it. If you aren't surrounding yourself with people who make you laugh or with an environment that you can have fun with, then I think it's time to make a couple of adjustments.

LESS talk MORE action

This is something I have to remind myself of. I am notorious for having big ideas and big dreams for things, but never fully executing them the way I had imagined. That is not to say I am not a highly motivated and goal oriented person, because I am. I think I just am very optimistic when starting something new, and by the end of it the realism sets in and I finally see what I can realistically get done in the amount of time I have and with the resources I have access to. I'm hoping this doesn't happen with my thesis. I have already started doing readings and research for it, so I am trying to get ahead of the game as much as I can while I have the time to do it now. I am very excited about my thesis topic and about the work I have ahead of me to get it accomplished, so I just keep telling myself to 'shut up and do it!'

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